Kurgansemena — a new type of agricultural holding
The history of the agricultural holding "KURGANSEMENA" is the history of the selfless work of like-minded people aimed at solving the main task - the progressive development of agriculture in the region and Russia, by providing high-quality seeds.

In March 1988, by order of the agro-Industrial Committee of the Kurgan region, the scientific and production system "Seeds" was founded, later transformed into the scientific and production agricultural holding "Kurgansemena".

The Kurgan grain elevator became a part of the holding
By 1992, the holding had an urgent need for the creation of its own elevator farm. It was decided to purchase the Kurgan grain elevator, which by that time was not going through the best of times. Nevertheless, now this enterprise is one of the most successful enterprises of the holding.

Foundation of a research center
The history of the holding can be divided into two parts without exaggeration: before the creation of the scientific center and after. With the advent of the Kurgansemena Research Center, we have reached a new level.

Launch of the mill complex
The research and production agricultural holding "Kurgansemena" continued the development of the processing direction and a mill complex with a capacity of 47,000 tons appeared in the structure of the holding.

Incorporation of the Vargashinsky grain elevator into the holding
In 2011, the elevator farm of the research and production agricultural holding "Kurgansemena" was replenished with one of the largest enterprises of Vargashi.
Vargashinsky elevator has a rich history and a close-knit team.
Launch the own seeds factory
In 2016, a landmark event took place: the launch of the own seeds factory with a capacity of up to 100 thousand tons of seeds per year. This marked a new level in the volume and quality of seed preparation

Opening of a new plant of vegetable oils in the village of Menshikovo
In 2017, a new plant of vegetable oils was opened in the research and production agricultural holding. In a year, the plant of vegetable oils can produce 40 thousand tons of sunflower, rapeseed, linseed and other oils.
The opening of the plant was a landmark event in the life of the region, which was noted by the Governor of the Kurgan region.

Creation the railway carriage park
The volume of grain trading over the years has reached 100 thousand tons per year. The geography of deliveries was also rapidly expanding, so in 2018 it was decided to purchase 66 grain wagons.

The emergence of animal husbandry in the holding structure
In 2020, the research and production agricultural holding "Kurgansemena" and CJSC "Path to Communism" joined forces to develop industrial seed production and animal husbandry.
As a result, the holding was replenished with at least 1,500 cows of the dairy herd, and the total arable land of the holding increased to 45 thousand hectares.